Legacy of Leadership: Holstein Association USA shares inspiring stories of dairy dedication

With a rich history spanning over 140 years, Holstein Association USA stands as one of the most enduring membership organizations in agriculture.

With a rich history spanning over 140 years, Holstein Association USA stands as one of the most enduring membership organizations in agriculture. Bob Cervera recently caught up with individuals who have played pivotal roles in the association’s success over the years, showcasing the diverse backgrounds and farm sizes of its leaders.

Gordie Cook, a past president who milks about 65 cows and runs an ice cream stand in Massachusetts, reflects on his two terms of service. He emphasizes the importance of representing all facets of the industry, recognizing the diversity of farms, and striving to make them all profitable.

Cook, as he is affectionately known, expresses his admiration for his fellow board members, considering many of them as friends. His enjoyment of traveling and connecting with dairy farmers across the nation and the world is evident, making his presidency a memorable experience.

Boyd Schaufelberger, of Illinois, who served as president from 2017 to 2019, echoes Gordy’s sentiments about the meaningful interactions with fellow members at conventions. The ability to make friends and connect with people stands out as a highlight of his tenure.

Chuck Worden, a dairy producer from New York and president during a period of unprecedented progress for the dairy industry, reflects on advancements in genetic and genomic information. Working closely with Association CEO John Meyer, he emphasizes the effort put into making these advancements accessible for dairy breeders.

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