Missouri joins fight against new WOTUS rule


NASHVILLE, TN (RFD-TV) - Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey has joined other states in the fight against the new WOTUS rule.

He and other attorneys general across the U.S. say the updated WOTUS rule goes beyond the power of congress laid out in the Clean Water Act. Missouri Governor Mike Parson says he has a better definition of WOTUS.

“It’s not everything. I think that’s what they’re trying to do, a blanket policy that gives them the right to come onto your farm to check the water that runs off your barn, check a mud hole or ditch and anywhere where water runs,” Parson says. “There’s no way the federal government should have that right of intrusion.”

Leaders at the Missouri Pork Association say the new WOTUS rule is a nightmare for farmers and ranchers. “Even a minor rainfall event is water they control. Even if you’re applying fertilizer or manure, everyone should be concerned about this,” Executive Vice President Don Nikodim said.

Governor Mike Parson says he’s hopeful the Supreme Court, who is still weighing Sacekett vs. EPA, will be thorough in their review and provide more clarity.

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