NCBA stakeholders speak up as Congress resumes without prioritizing Farm Bill discussions

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association is in Washington right now to push advocacy and collaboration to the forefront of lawmakers’ agendas and streamline a sustainable agricultural future.

As Congress reconvenes, the absence of Farm Bill discussions has not deterred industry stakeholders from ensuring their voices are heard on critical agricultural issues. In a proactive approach, members of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) have embarked on a journey to Washington, aiming to get in front of lawmakers so their priorities stay at the forefront of lawmakers’ agendas.

A Virginia rancher, echoing the sentiments of many in the industry, emphasizes the importance of robust funding for risk management, conservation, and the Animal Vaccine Bank. The NCBA members are actively engaging with legislators to advocate for policies that support these key areas, which are crucial for the sustainability and resilience of the agricultural sector.

“We’re looking for ways to partner with states, conservation groups, commodity groups, conservation districts, and others on the ground to help us implement these programs,” said the Virginia rancher.

This collaborative approach underscores the interconnected efforts required to address complex challenges and implement effective agricultural programs.

Bonnie, a representative of the stakeholders, underscores the need to streamline the entire farm program process. Simplifying procedures is a critical step to facilitate greater participation from producers, alleviating bureaucratic hurdles across various USDA programs. This emphasis on efficiency aligns with the broader goal of making agricultural programs more accessible and farmer-friendly.

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