Nebraska Field Tour showcases superior stockmanship

Stockmanship is the skill of handling livestock in a safe, efficient, and low-stress manner—something that takes livestock producers time and knowledge to acquire. Nebraska Extension put it on display at a recent field tour.

Late this summer, Nebraska Extension held its annual summer grazing conference in Kearney. This year’s event featured an informative field tour that took place near Gibbon just outside of Kearney. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension’s The Market Journal takes us along.

Stockmanship is the skill of handling livestock in a safe, efficient, and low-stress manner— an ability that takes time and knowledge to acquire. Nebraska Extension put it on display at a recent field tour.

During this field tour, participants got a firsthand look at some of the best practices for handling cattle on pasture and utilizing a portable corral system. Market journal was on hand to bring you an up-close and personal look at that.

Did you know? Nebraska is consistently home to far more cattle than people. In 2022, Nebraska cattle totaled nearly 6.8 million heads! That is three and a half times more cattle than people in the state.

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    Marion is a digital content manager for RFD-TV and The Cowboy Channel. She started working for Rural Media Group in May 2022, bringing a decade of experience in the digital side of broadcast media as well as some professional cooking experience to the team.
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