Spring Planting

Fertilizer is the largest variable input expense weighing on corn farmers, historically, according to new data from the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.
Drought conditions persist in 16 of the 18 top-growing corn states as this year’s planting season gets underway. Seven states had corn in the ground as of March 2024.
Experience the buzz at Wild Harvest Honey on this episode of FarmHER featuring Amber Rutledge, one of the few Honey Connoisseurs in the United States.
As farmers prepare for spring planting season, one of the critical factors influencing their operations is the price of diesel.
As warmer, drier weather exacerbates wildfires, agricultural experts warn of potential nitrogen-related issues in fields that need to be managed carefully.
As spring approaches, farmers in Minnesota face critical decisions regarding their fertilizer strategies. Here are some expert tips from the state’s extension program.
Spring planting in Ukraine increased by twofold this week.
Despite the looming specter of weather extremes and a myriad of other tough challenges, like rising input costs, projections indicate a significant decline in crop insurance prices compared to previous years for key U.S. commodities.
Throughout the growing season, Mosaic advises farmers to monitor crop nutrition actively. Regular soil testing and plant tissue analysis can help identify any deficiencies or imbalances.
As spring planting nears, Midwestern farmers are gearing up for a season filled with opportunities and challenges like market pressures and pest dynamics.