As winter starts to slowly set in, it is important to remember that insects, including Asian Lady Beetles are getting ready for winter.
The invasive species looks almost identical to the American Ladybug, but there are a few differences. Asian Lady Beetles can be identified by the white “m” shapes on the backs of their heads.
Additionally, Asian Lady Beetles let out a smelly odor and also occasionally bites humans and pets when it feels threatened, unlike the American Ladybug. They also gather in groups and swarm, meaning they can enter homes and buildings en masse while looking for warmth from the winter. Lady Beetles, however, do not reproduce indoors.
Asian Lady Beetles don’t just enter home, they also common in fields and wooded areas. When these insects run out of food, they begin to feed on apples, grapes and raspberries, infecting apples that already been wounded by birds or other insects.
It is recommended when Lady Beetles are found in your home to vacuum them.