104 Tornadoes: A deeper dive into the severe weather farmers recently experienced

Farm country is recovering from devastating tornadoes over the weekend, including one in Alabama.

An Extension Plant Pathologist with Auburn University shared this photo on Twitter of damage he saw in Macon County. The picture shows an irrigation system that was taken out, and it could be quite some time before the unit is back up and running again.

Tornado damage stretches across ten states and that is just from one night. USDA Meteorologist, Brad Rippey, shares more about those horrific outbreaks.

“For the Midwestern states, very far north for this time of year, we saw tornadoes in Wisconsin and then Iowa through Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. And then in the mid-South, we saw some significant tornadoes across Arkansas, Tennessee, and then northern sections of Alabama, Mississippi, and Georgia. Certainly, we know that Wynne, Arkansas, is one of the hardest hit. Communities literally cut in half by a significant tornado that appears that it will rate at least EF-4 on the Fujita scale.”

Rippey says 104 tornadoes were reported just last weekend, which is more than the 88 reported for the entire month of March and it looks like more severe storms are on the horizon for today.

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