Canadian wildfires helped the Public Lands Council better advocate for U.S. producers

The haze from the Canadian wildfires is clearing out here in the U.S., but not before helping the Public Lands Council better advocate for farmers and ranchers in D.C.

“Even though they weren’t American wildfires, it gave us a really good opportunity to talk about why this sort of ongoing discussion about whether it’s forest management or whether it’s climate change or whether it’s something else,” says Kaitlynn Glover, the Executive Director for PLC and NCBA. “The bottom line is that something needs to be done and there’s a lot of bipartisan agreement on certain pieces. It gave us a really great opportunity to talk about reduced forage or reduced fuel, right? The role that grazing can play in reducing that wildfire risk and even making sure that good fire doesn’t become bad fire across those millions of acres across the West.”

Glover said sadly wildfires are always going to be a harsh reality our producers have to face, especially until we have more durable fixes.

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