Updates From the Field: #Harvest22

Brazil just took the top corn exporter spot from the U.S. this year, but CONAB says low prices and El Niño could result in a five percent drop in corn planting
Despite fluctuating weather temperatures across the Corn Belt, producers in the region seem to be ahead of pace for this year’s harvest.
The El Niño weather event is creeping in and it could reach super strength. But how it will impact the ongoing corn harvest? Numbers show varying trends.
Crop yields are coming in well in Iowa, but stalk stability is a different situation. While wind continues to knock down stalks, farmers are rushing to finish up their soybean harvest.
Low water levels on the Mississippi River are mimicking last year and now the USDA has released data showing conditions are actually worse right now than this time in 2022.
The Vick Family’s battle with West Nile Virus and the helping hand of Farm Rescue.
Soybean farmers in Illinois are being swarmed by black moths! A field crop entomologist with the University of Illinois confirmed the insect is an adult green clover worm.