Lawmakers urge President Biden to ramp up energy and expedite domestic fertilizer production

Several Congressional Republicans are now calling on President Biden to ramp up domestic energy production.

Missouri Representative Vicky Hartzler introduced the “American Energy Independence From Russia Act” which would reinstate protections, construction of the Keystone Pipeline, remove restrictions on liquid natural gas exports, and reopen oil and gas leasing on federal land.

That bill also calls for expediting domestic fertilizer. The prices are going down, but are still much higher than last year. Seven of the eight major fertilizers cost less than last month, although only urea is down significantly at 10 percent so far in July at $861 a ton. The cost of DAP, MAP, 10-34-0, anhydrous, and UAN are also decreasing slightly. Potash was the only fertilizer that increased, now at $885 per ton.


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