Texas Ag Commissioner Sid Miller is feeling optimistic for the ag sector now that Trump is back in office

“I’m optimistic that we will be able to get some good legislation in the Farm Bill.”

A new Trump administration has officially taken office and Texas Ag Commissioner Sid Miller says that after the tough last four years for agriculture, he is looking forward to what is to come.

According to Miller, “We’re very versed in world trade. We know how to turn that around. Farmers, we made the highest number of exports and profit under the last two years of the Trump administration than we’d ever, ever had. So, we’re looking forward to using tariffs as a trading tool, a negotiating tool, and we’re looking for profits to come back into the agriculture sector because there is none now— other than the cattle industry, there is no profit in agriculture.”

With the new administration comes new Farm Bill optimism for the Texas Agriculture Commissioner. He shares that he expects it to be passed before this year’s September 30th deadline.

“I think they will once the new administration gets in and Republicans in charge of both houses, Congress and the Senate,” he notes. “You know it’s a year past due. I’ve never known them to get one done on time anyways, so this is not surprising, but I’m optimistic that we will be able to get some good legislation in the Farm Bill.”

While there is no exact timeline on when the Farm Bill could become Congress’s top priority, leaders on both sides of the aisle have expressed determination to get the bill done before yet another extension.

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“We just want to make sure a Farm Bill doesn’t fall off the radar screen.”