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The JBS Australia study documented the carbon footprints of 176 cattle farms that claimed to be implementing regenerative agriculture practices.
Cattle producers recently promoted U.S. beef on a trip to Japan and Korea with the U.S. Meat Export Federation.
According to USDA experts, Brazil and Argentina’s large drop in corn production has more to do with the economics of corn markets than impacts from weather.
Freight costs are increasing out of one of Brazil’s major southern ports due to the “biblical flooding”, obscuring rail and road passages to and from Rio Grande Do Sul.
Brazilian producers are facing losses of 4 million acres of corn and soybean crops yet to be harvested after nearly 31 inches of rain has fallen and additional rain in the forecast.
The biggest data discrepancy between the USDA and Brazil’s Conab reports are the numbers for usage and stock estimates.
Since the break out of the Russian-Ukraine War, many European Union and partner countries have placed sanctions on Russia.
Wilmar International terminal was the primary route for Ukrainian grain exports to Africa and Asia during the ongoing conflict with Russia.
Ongoing dryness is taking its toll on corn crop production in Mexico and South Africa, two other top global corn producers, as U.S. corn producers see some relief.
A recent Cannonball Jellyfish bloom off the coast of Venezuela is a major concern for the seafood industry that fish those waters.
The NOAA says there is an 83% chance the El Niño weather pattern will transition into neutral conditions between April and June 2024.
Avian flu shocking jump to dairy, the possible impacts on ag trade in the Key Bridge fallout, herd management in drought & more top stories from last week.