Farm Family Friday: At only 15, this Ark. couple’s dedication to farming started steering them toward success

The Allen Family’s 28-year farming journey, cattle, kids, and community in Bismarck, Arkansas.

The Allen Family of Bismarck, Arkansas, is the 2023 West Central District Farm Family of the Year, a marker of their 28 years of dedication to farming. Led by Jeremy and Magen Allen, who have been family and raising their family together since 15 years old, they share a wonderful life today centered around their love for raising cattle, growing hay for feed, and nurturing their family and community.

Jeremy reminisces about the couple’s humble beginnings, which began back when he was only 15 years old — the moment when secured an FSA loan to purchase their first set of cows, which he raised on his parent’s property.

They nurtured the cattle for three years, making the strategic decision at 18 to sell the cows to fund the purchase of their first home. However, Allen quickly re-entered farming as soon as opportunities arose — and today, the family manages around 300 heads of cattle on around 300 acres, as well as a feed operation that prioritizes sustainable practices.

In a pivotal moment, after learning about the process of building a feed operation at an out-of-state Farm Bureau meeting, the Allens decided to purchase some property from his parents, laying out even greater plans for a building with multiple uses Sitting in their arena (yes, a rodeo arena!) during the interview, the couple shared the genesis of how their feed growing and processing building became so much more. Since they wanted to make a sell a product, it was only fitting they open an adjacent store to receive customers. Alongside the store, Jeremy believed building an arena was essential for their kids so they could practice rodeo events while mom and dad were working. The doors to their dream opened in August 2022, finally becoming a reality.

With four children—Lane, Brody, Evelyn, and Eli—the Allens envision a future where their kids continue the family legacy. Acknowledging the unpredictability of individual choices, Magen expresses hope that the diverse opportunities they have created for their children’s interests will provide them with niches for their success. Regardless, the Allens remain open-minded, supporting their children’s aspirations. Heck, in a few years, they might be starting small businesses of their own!

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