
Kaye and Ken Dyer transformed their generational farm into a thriving agritourism destination, Rocky Hollow Pumpkin Patch in Northwest Georgia!
Consumers think inflation will impact their Thanksgiving dinner table this year.
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“Finding out who our friends are” at Tracy Lawrence’s annual Charity Turkey Fry
American Farm Bureau’s annual analysis shows your Thanksgiving dinner will cost 20% more this year
Did you know that eight states raise nearly 77% of the U.S. turkey supply? It’s impressive. But when it comes to the impacts of High-Path Avian Flu on commercial turkey flocks — it also means those same states, in most cases, will bear the brunt of lost production value due to the virus.
This year’s turkey production will be the largest annual reduction since 2009.
Experts predict consumers will pay nearly double the price per pound for certain types of turkey than the average cost just five years ago.