2024 Farm Bill

Farmers, agri-businesses, and lawmakers are all eager to see Congress pass the next Farm Bill.
The Torrey Advisory Group Vice President Cassandra Kuball says the clock is ticking on the Farm Bill since 2024 is an election year.
The Farm Bill should matter to all Americans. One specialty crop grower and South Carolina Farm Bureau member shares why it matters to him.
Mark McHargue addresses artificial intelligence in agriculture, the Farm Bill, and the fertilizer supply chain.
Sen. Debbie Stabenow says the biggest issue getting a new Farm Bill passed is how funding is allocated.
Secretary Vilsack says the Corporation could be a way to increase crop subsidy triggers or even reference prices, calling the $30-billion, government-owned company operated by the USDA, a silver bullet.
The USDA’s ARC/PLC Program will extend through Sept. 30, 2024, and farmers have a few weeks left to decide their commodity title choices by the March deadline.
The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association is in Washington right now to push advocacy and collaboration to the forefront of lawmakers’ agendas and streamline a sustainable agricultural future.
Congress has until the end of the year to either pass a new or extend the 2018 Farm Bill. Senator Roger Marshall, the Republican from Kansas, joined us on Rural Health Matters and shared the challenges ahead.